partial installs

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu Jul 29 10:43:27 PDT 2010

On Jul 29, 2010, at 12:06, Scott Haneda wrote:

> Last night in an effort to learn something about MP, I did a sudo port install phpmyadmin.  It got about 15 minutes into it and I control-C'd it.
> What is the best way to clean up the partial mess I am sure I have left behind?

It doesn't take 15 minutes to install phpmyadmin itself, so I assume it was installing some dependencies too? The way to clean up would be, for each dependency that got successfully installed, "sudo port uninstall" it, and for the last port it was working on, the one you interrupted it on, to "sudo port clean" it.

If you don't remember what all dependencies were installed that you don't need anymore, you can use the port_cutleaves script (available by installing the port_cutleaves port), or possibly the leaves pseudoport (as in "port installed leaves" to see what MacPorts thinks are leaves, and if you agree, then "sudo port uninstall leaves", etc.).

If you don't remember what port was being worked on at the time you interrupted, list the contents of the directory /opt/local/var/macports/build to see all the ports that are not clean; clean those.

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