Octave/x11/aquaterm/gnuplot issue

Ronald Haynes rhaynes at mun.ca
Fri Jul 30 07:12:14 PDT 2010

Hi folks, I installed octave (3.2.2) and aquaterm (1.0.1_5)  using macports on mac os x 10.6.4.

When plotting octave loads x11 instead of aquaterm to display the plots.  I would like to use aquaterm.  I have tried setting the GNUTERM and
GNUTERMAPP environment variables in .profile to point to aquaterm but that causes octave to load both x11 and aquaterm when I try to plot and then nothing gets displayed.

How do I ensure octave uses aquaterm only.

BTW:  it works correctly if I install octave from the .dmg rather than using macports.

R Haynes
Dr. Ronald D. Haynes (PhD)
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL, Canada
A1A 4V4
(P) 709-737-8825
(F) 709-737-3010

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