Upgrade ffmpeg 0.6_0 problem

tome at QX.Net tome at QX.Net
Sat Jul 31 17:44:27 PDT 2010

Now I have a new error.  I have attached three files.  One is the terminal output from the time I started after receiving this post.  One is the main.log 
indicated by the terminal output.  The main.log suggested that I look at config.err, which I have included also.  This error occurred while attempting to 
install a new ffmpeg dependency, libvpx.  While looking at the main.log I have already noticed one thing that is going to give me trouble, that is a 
comment about activating altivec.  My ppc is pre-altivec ( which I learned the first time I installed ffmpeg ) and needs altivec to be disabled.

Do you want me to file a ticket on this error or the first one?  I still have information on the first error, but with the changes, I don't know how valid it 
is.  Thank you for your help.  Are not computers fun!?

>------- Original Message -------
>From    : Ryan Schmidt[mailto:ryandesign at macports.org]
>Sent    : 7/31/2010 4:26:47 PM
>To      : tome at qx.net
>Cc      : macports-users at lists.macosforge.org
>Subject : RE: Re: Upgrade ffmpeg 0.6_0 problem
 >On Jul 31, 2010, at 12:25, tome at QX.Net wrote:

> As a follow-up, just for something to do, I uninstalled/cleaned ffmpeg again, uninstalled Xcode 2.5, Shutdown my computer ( because I read that 
> somewhere ), Redownloaded Xcode 2.5 and Installed again, Shutdown the computer again, restarted and did 'sudo port -d selfupdate' ( just for grins 
> and 'sudo port install ffmpeg' again with the same result.  I don't pretend to understand how all this fits together, but from the error message it is 
> almost as if something is misspelled somewhere.  I found a reference to '-lavutil' in a ffmpegSDKtutorial.txt that I had downloaded sometime back, 
> could not find 'lavutil' anywhere on my computer.  I can find 'libavutil' a bunch of places.  Is this a spelling thing?

The command "-lavutil" means "please link with the library libavutil.dylib", so that seems correct enough.

I cannot reproduce this problem today on Tiger or Snow Leopard. My log says I did have this problem yesterday on Snow Leopard, but now I don't, and 
of course I didn't save the log from when it failed. :/ If you could file a ticket with the complete log showing the failure that should be helpful in 
figuring out what's happening differently for you. Be sure to "sudo port selfupdate" first because an unrelated fix was just committed to ffmpeg.

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