Problem with macports install, any help greatly appreciated

Dominik Reichardt domiman at
Sat Jun 12 03:31:59 PDT 2010

Am 12.06.2010 um 12:20 schrieb John Essam:

> Hi Ryan, downloaded all the file for gimp, I think it was okay, although I didn't hang around to check it. I have closed the terminal, silly question but how do I open gimp now?
> Many thanks John

Hi, just for your information (and sorry, I'm a day late) you can download a precompiled binary of Gimp at
For actually using Gimp, I prefer that version, for compiling extra stuff (like gimp plugins) I use the MacPorts one.

I hope this helps anyway (your actual question was answered by Lenore, so I think it's ok for me to not answer that :)))

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