inconsistent dependency information

Scott Webster sewebster at
Tue Jun 15 16:32:03 PDT 2010

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 4:21 PM, Joshua Root <jmr at> wrote:
> On 2010-6-16 09:17 , Joshua Root wrote:
>> Build deps have never been recorded in the registry. The important thing
>> here is what's in the index. x264 only depends on yasm if you are on
>> Snow Leopard and building for x86_64, or if the asm variant is set. This
>> is the sort of situation that prompted the switch in 1.9 from a single
>> PortIndex generated on the server to one for each supported platform.
>> Are you running 1.9.0?
> Actually, even if you are, the build_arch could still be different. This
> is just one of those situations where using a pregenerated index can't
> get everything right. Port_cutleaves could theoretically get it right by
> running the portfiles, but that's a lot slower than reading the index.

Yep, 1.9.0, snow leopard (10.6.3), and x86_64 here.  Sorry, I guess I
didn't mean registry, it just looks in the index.  Ok, so this sort of
thing will occur whenever there is a dependency that only occurs in
certain situations, such as this one where you only need yasm if
various parameters are met.  Or perhaps more specifically, whenever
your "situation" differs from the one used to generate the index for
your platform.  I think this can only happen for build-deps, right?
So this is not particularly problematic.

I wonder why this just popped up now though.  When I started this
thread a week ago yasm wasn't found like this by port_cutleaves and
nothing relevant in the x264 portfile seems to have changed in a long
time.  But I guess it's possible that previously some other port
depended on yasm and that dependency was removed in the past week.


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