A word on Trac ticket submissions...

Ben Greenfield ben at cogs.com
Tue Jun 22 15:04:57 PDT 2010

On Jun 22, 2010, at 5:46 PM, Joshua Root wrote:

> On 2010-6-23 07:41 , Michael_google gmail_Gersten wrote:
>> So here's a question: If there is a maintainer field in the ports
>> database for each port, then why can't the bug tracker grab that field
>> on it's own?

If users are willing to navigate to a webpage that lists all ports and click on the affected port url  that use trac variables to populate the cc: field (and any other field listed below).

relevent trac docs

Here is the trac method for creating a url with variables.
Preset Values for New Tickets

To create a link to the new-ticket form filled with preset values, you need to call the /newticket? URL with variable=value separated by &.

Possible variables are :

	• type — The type droplist
	• reporter — Name or email of the reporter
	• summary — Summary line for the ticket
	• description — Long description of the ticket
	• component — The component droplist
	• version — The version droplist
	• severity — The severity droplist
	• keywords — The keywords
	• priority — The priority droplist
	• milestone — The milestone droplist
	• owner — The person responsible for the ticket
	• cc — The list of emails for notifying about the ticket change

There could be spam issue so we may want obfuscate the email but I think it would work until we got a plugin.

I'm willing to work on it but I would like some feedback.


> It can, if someone writes the aforementioned plugin. But of course
> people don't often fill in the Port field either...
> - Josh
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