Need clarification on install procedure

Bill Christensen billc_lists at
Tue Jun 29 23:26:28 PDT 2010

At 6:30 AM -0500 6/29/10, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>On Jun 29, 2010, at 02:10, Bill Christensen wrote:
>>  The other day I attempted to clone a working MAMP server from a G4 
>>PPC to an Intel machine and discovered that I basically need to 
>>reinstall everything from scratch to get the intel versions.  Yes, 
>>I've now read the page on migrating.
>Yes, cloning a MacPorts installation from one machine to another is 
>not advisable unless both machines are running the same version of 
>Mac OS X and have the same processor architecture.
>>  I'll probably just do a fresh install of 10.6.4.
>You are welcome to do so but if your only goal is to remove the 
>MacPorts installation cloned from the other machine, you can just 
>remove the directories you copied in order to clone it. Or you can 
>follow the MacPorts uninstall instructions in the guide:
>>  I've also scanned through the archives from the past year and it 
>>appears that the dbs are now installed separately from Apache.
>Not sure what you're referring to... The apache2 port has never been 
>related to database ports like mysql5 and postgresql84; they have 
>nothing to do with one another and have always been installed 

Sorry, I was referring to the command

	install port php5 +apache2 +mysql5

Scott Haneda clarified to me earlier today that you can now do

	install port php5
	install port php5-mysql
	install port php5-postgresql

etc.  (or maybe you always could, but I wasn't aware of it).

>>  So before I go and bang my head against this again, I figured I'd 
>>double check on the correct procedure.
>>  This time around I'll be installing:
>>  Apache2
>>  MySQL5
>>  PHP5
>>  Postgresql84
>We have some of this documented in the wiki:
>I have not read this document recently so I don't know how 
>up-to-date or accurate it is. If you find inaccuracies, please let 
>us know or log in and fix it directly.
>>  Last time through (a bit over a year ago) I had to install Apache, 
>>then MySQL5 +server, then PHP5 +MySQL +Apache2, then tweak the php 
>>config file to include mysql, uninstall PHP, then reinstall  PHP5 
>>+MySQL +Apache2.  Is that no longer the case?  Does the install 
>>order matter?
>mysql5's +server variant is gone; you now use the separate 
>mysql5-server port if you want to run a MySQL server.
>php5's +mysql5 variant is gone; you now use the separate php5-mysql 
>port. (It has variants for selecting the method of interacting with 
>the MySQL server but the default +mysqlnd should be fine.)
>I don't know what you had to change in the php config file to make 
>MySQL work before. When installing php5-mysql today, you should 
>receive a message advising you what you need to change in php.ini to 
>make it work.

The changes to php config were to get the correct settings for my 
needs - some of which weren't there by default.   Install, go to the 
portfile, change the config settings as needed, uninstall, then 

>I can't imagine a reason why you would have had to uninstall php5 
>then reinstall it. If you believe you are in need of that again, 
>please let us know what you're experiencing so we can know what's 
>>  Is there anything I need to look out for with PostgreSQL?
>I do not know; I have never used it. I know that it too has separate 
>ports: postgresql84 if you want the client libraries, 
>postgresql84-server if you also want to run a PostgreSQL server. And 
>if you want PHP to be able to talk to PostgreSQL databases, then you 
>want the php5-postgresql port. (It has variants for selecting the 
>PostgreSQL version but the default +postgresql84 should be fine for 
>>  I'll also be installing the following:
>>  GD2
>>  Imagemagick
>>  Postfix
>>  AWStats
>>  Mailman
>>  Webmin
>>  phpMyAdmin
>>  phppgAdmin
>>  Any gotchas I need to watch out for?
>Various php5 features are no longer installed by default, and are 
>instead in separate ports. PHP's gd support is for example now in 
>the php5-gd port. PHP can use ImageMagick via the php5-imagick port. 
>"port echo name:php5-" will show you the other ports that are 

Got it.  Thanks for the clarification. 

Bill Christensen

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