Need clarification on install procedure

Bill Christensen billc_lists at
Wed Jun 30 11:15:29 PDT 2010

At 2:29 AM -0500 6/30/10, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>There used to be variants of the php5 port for a lot of optional PHP 
>features (like MySQL 5 support via the +mysql5 variant). php5 also 
>used to have a lot of other optional features always enabled (e.g. 
>GD2 support). Between July and October 2009 I moved most of these 
>features out of the php5 port itself and into separate ports (e.g. 
>php5-mysql and php5-gd). For a more complete list of changes you can 
>read the ticket:

ok, that explains why I wasn't aware of it.  The last install I did 
was in the spring of 09.

>So you edited the php5 Portfile to change the configure.args, I 
>guess? What kinds of changes did you need to make?

Yep.  The original config had "--without mysql" for instance, and I 
added pear supprt as well.

Bill Christensen

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