Harry van der Wolf hvdwolf at
Thu Mar 4 07:51:32 PST 2010

2010/3/4 Daniel J. Luke <dluke at>

> On Mar 4, 2010, at 7:43 AM, Harry van der Wolf wrote:
> > In my macports.conf I have since a very long time (over multiple macports
> versions)  the following setting.
> > universal_target        10.4
> I would remove that and then rebuild python
> I removed that from macports.conf. Than uninstalled python26 and
reinstalled it.

the error remained the same.

However, the 3 packages I tried to install tried to get installed against
python24 (Ishould have paid attention to that) and it turned out that I
still had python24 installed and active, even though it was not selected
(python select).
There were py26 versions of the packages as well. I completely uninstalled
python24 and it's packages and installed everything against python26.
I always assumed that the py packages depended on the current version.
Obviously they don't.

now it's OK.

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