Building time for qt4-mac

Vlado Plaga rechner at
Wed Mar 17 06:54:00 PDT 2010

Dear MacPorts and digiKam users,

just a few minutes ago, and before reading this message thread, I
posted a ticket about an issue I had when I tried to update digiKam:

Carsten, it was your post to the digiKam users list, that reminded me I
still wanted publish that problem.

About qt compile time: still using a 1 GHz G4 computer I'm much more
affected. An option to use binaries instead would be great!

As I wrote in the ticket, I'm curious to hear how others installed or
updated digiKam.

Carsten: if there are problems you can't solve, when trying to install
digiKam via MacPorts, you might want to try fink instead:

I installed digiKam via Fink before, which was slower than via MacPorts
(because of more dependencies), but "just worked". Generally Fink
currently seems to often have more up-to-date packages, like kdeedu4
4.4.1, or pidgin 2.6.6 (where the Port is still at 2.6.3)... but on the
other hand MacPorts includes claws-mail, which fink doesn't provide,
and I only learned how to create and modify Portfiles, but I can't
create my own packages for Fink.



       Vlado Plaga                        __o                 _o/\<,_
    update: 2010-01-11                 (U)/ (u)

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