Is there a way to get the previous version of any package?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu Mar 25 12:32:08 PDT 2010

On Mar 25, 2010, at 14:14, Joshua Root wrote:

> On 2010-3-26 05:37 , Kok-Yong Tan wrote:
>> On Mar 25, 2010, at 14:21, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>> MacPorts follows dependencies automatically. To tell it not to do so,
>>> use the -n switch.
>>> sudo port -n install wireshark
>> Got it.  Thanks.  The man page for port (even after a "port selfupdate"
>> to 1.8.2) states that the -n switch is "only for upgrading" so that's
>> what threw me since I wasn't doing an upgrade but an install of wireshark.
> Install triggers an upgrade of any dependencies that are already
> installed. But why not just leave zlib 1.2.4 installed but inactive so
> upgrade doesn't see it as outdated?

Upgrade will reactivate zlib 1.2.4.

I also recommend you leave zlib 1.2.4 installed and inactive for now, but you need to use -n for install or upgrade so MacPorts won't reactivate zlib 1.2.4.

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