reverting back python

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Mar 27 08:33:09 PDT 2010

On Mar 27, 2010, at 10:09, Shashwat Anand wrote:

> I mistakenly updated python2.5 (default python in osx) to 2.5.5 and now the newer python is not recognizing DictionaryServices. What should I do to revert back to original apple python2.5 ?

I didn't quite understand what you did. If you're saying you replaced components of Apple's python installation and now want the original back, that's not related to MacPorts and outside the scope of this mailing list, and I'd suggest you reinstall Mac OS X to get back the original Apple python parts.

If you're saying you installed the python25 port using MacPorts and don't want it anymore, you can uninstall it using "sudo port uninstall python25".

Or perhaps you just don't want "python" to be MacPorts python25, and you want it to be a different python, like Apple python. If so, the python_select port is the one you'll want to learn about.

Finally, if you're saying you upgraded the python25 port, but now want to downgrade it again, and have already uninstalled the old version, you can reinstall the older version by following this how-to:

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