almost 20GB lost on "scribus" compile...get it back?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Mar 28 20:10:00 PDT 2010

On Mar 28, 2010, at 21:14, AinSophAur33 wrote:

> ls -lah /var/vm/
> yeields:
> total 4456448
> drwxr-xr-x   5 root  wheel   170B Mar 28 21:50 .
> drwxr-xr-x  26 root  wheel   884B Feb  5 15:10 ..
> -rw------T   1 root  wheel   2.0G Mar 28 13:50 sleepimage
> -rw-------   1 root  wheel    64M Mar 28 21:28 swapfile0
> -rw-------   1 root  wheel    64M Mar 28 22:12 swapfile1
> Which is some, but nowhere near the 20+ GB that I know went missing...what
> else could be the issue?

The incomplete build you cancelled (sudo port clean whateverportitwas); unless it was a huge port like qt4-mac it shouldn't have eaten anywhere near 1GB, much less 20GB

The distfiles that got downloaded for everything you installed so far (sudo port clean --all all); my approx. 2 years worth of thousands of distfiles occupy 8.8GB so 20GB is also way out of proportion there

I suggest you use a program like Disk Inventory X to tell you where your disk space has gone.

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