xfig / date / libintl problem on a MacBook Pro

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Fri Nov 5 11:57:17 PDT 2010

On Nov 5, 2010, at 13:53, Joel Friedman wrote:

> In case anyone is interested (or at least for my own records), here is my
> guess as to what happened.
> (1) I loaded coreutils and findutils and xfig on an older MacBook
> (2) I copied the file /opt/local/bin/gdate to /opt/local/bin/date on the
> older MacBook, so that an awk script I wrote on a Linux machine which had a 
> system call to "date" would invoke gnu date on the Mac.

That sounds likely.

> (3) I bought a new MacBook Pro with OS X 10.6.
> (4) I used the Migration Assistant tool to transfer files from my old mac
> to my new one, unaware that /opt was being moved.

Yup, it migrates everything these days, except the OS and Apple applications which are already on the new machine.

> (5) Was puzzled that I had coreutils and findutils on my new machine
> "automatically" (I thought that the new mac and software had somehow set
> things up)
> (6) Ran xfig on the new mac and got some weird functionality.  So I tried
> sudo port uninstall xfig; sudo port clean xfig; sudo port install xfig.
> (7) From then on, even upon uninstalling and installing everything, I
> get problems when trying to install xfig, that has problems with netpbm.
> (8) Installed xfig by changing path in macports.conf (temporarily).
> Then got rid of /opt/local/bin/date.
> (9) Life is good again.
> I'm guessing that all the uninstalls and cleans that I did failed to get
> rid of the offensive /opt/local/bin/date that I created some time ago
> that seemed to mess things up.
> One last question: if I want to rebuild everything from scratch, in a
> way that will get rid of any file in /opt/local/bin that shouldn't be
> there, what is the best way to do this?  Remove /opt and download the
> macports setup disk image?

You should rebuild all ports to be sure they were built on Snow Leopard. Follow the instructions on the Migration page to do this:


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