gnome starter

Keith J. Schultz keithjschultz at
Fri Nov 26 01:34:06 PST 2010

Hi Andrea,

	Now, I am really getting confused here.
	According to the wiki for gnome on Macports we are not
	suppose to use the ~/.xinitrc, but use .xinitrc.d instead.

	On my side I am using Snow Leopard 10.6.5, Xcode 2.5, ports up to date,
	Xquartz 2.5.3 not installed by MacPorts.

	One of my problems is not so much MacPorts I think I can figure
	those problems out. The Problem lies more of the way X is supposed
	to work under MocOSX SL. It is hard to find documentation. 

	According, to the wiki gnome-session and metacity do need to be started
	with dbus, yet If you try to use them one gets errors pretainning to dbus.
	So, evidently dbus is needed. So the question comes down to how to get
	dbus loaded under SL. Using lauchctl gets dbus-demon loaded, but it does not seem to
	work as suppose. At least IPC login is somehow denied.

	Could you or somepoint me to a comprhensive documentation to the X startup mechanism.
	In particular the difference between using .xinitrc and .xinitrc.d.
Am 25.11.2010 um 20:55 schrieb Andrea D'Amore:

> About your original issue you didn't specify what version of OS you're
> running, what version of Xquartz you're using and if macports and
> ports are up to date (port selfupdate).
> My palantír [2] is currently broken [4] but I guess the issue is about
> Xorg configuration, you're probably launching Xquartz default, that is
> quartz-wm, thus preventing metacity to start.
> On my 10.6.5 system with XQuartz 2.5.3 [3] I can put "exec twm" into
> ~/.xinitrc and have twm running when I launch Xorg both using "startx"
> from command line or running . If you can reproduce this
> then you can use a ~/.xinitrc file containing:
> /opt/local/bin/metacity &
> exec /opt/local/bin/gnome-session

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