Up to date MacPorts

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Sun Oct 17 04:22:53 PDT 2010

On Oct 17, 2010, at 01:38, Scott Haneda wrote:

> According to port:
>  $port version
>  Version: 1.9.1
> I want to make sure I am current.

1.9.1 is the current version, yes, though we really should release 1.9.2 at some point. It already contains some important fixes.

> I think the 1.9 release moved to using a sqlite database.  I don't know how to conform I have made that upgrade/change correct, or if I need to reinstall.  I have no objection to doing so, or to reinstalling my port files either.

As Harald already responded, to get the sqlite registry, you need to change "portdbformat" in macports.conf to "sqlite". MacPorts installations begun before 1.9 would have this set to "flat" and MacPorts does not upgrade your macports.conf automatically so you need to do it manually. There may be other new settings in macports.conf; you should spend some time comparing your macports.conf.default with your macports.conf and bringing over any changes you don't specifically want to diverge from.

> Curious, I see rsync is used to sync the ports on selfupdate.  Is there an rsync server on the remote end, or is this just using  rsync on the client and there is no rsync server that has to be maintained.

Yes, there is an rsync server. Several, in fact, so you can choose one geographically close to you:


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