want to upgrade py26-traits @3.4.0 to 3.5.0

Jonathan Stickel jjstickel at vcn.com
Wed Oct 27 07:11:50 PDT 2010

On 10/27/10 08:00 , macports-users-request at lists.macosforge.org wrote:
> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 18:09:09 -0600
> From: Srinath Vadlamani
> Subject: want to upgrade py26-traits @3.4.0 to 3.5.0
> I would like to get into the game of helping upgrade ports and also make new
> ones.
> I really also want to get Chaco from enthought ported.  Can someone help me
> in the process?
> Point me to a wiki site and the correct location for the port file
> asscociated with py26-traits @3.4.0.  Also where do I find info on how to
> commit port files back to the main repo?  How do I check all ports dependent
> on my upgrade and possible new ports?
> Yup, I'm jumping into the game.

You should read the guide and wiki, as Ryan suggested.  This will help 
you learn how to locate, modify, and test portfiles.  Then you can 
upload patches and new portfiles to the tracker.

Regarding py26-traits, please see ticket #27016:


I put a patch up there yesterday for the latest traits and other 
enthought modules that are needed for Mayavi.

I have had a couple emails with Frank Schima (aka macsforever2000) about 
a Chaco port.  He got stuck with the dependency "enable".  I'm not sure 
where he is at with that since he didn't put something up on the tracker.


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