Unable to upgrade Port

Ted Kord teddy.kord at gmail.com
Fri Oct 29 02:03:43 PDT 2010

Thanks.Upgrade completed successfully.


On 29 October 2010 04:55, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at macports.org> wrote:

> On Oct 28, 2010, at 22:35, Ted Kord wrote:
> > Thanks. I downloaded it and it solved that problem. However, now the
> update hangs when installing gnome-doc-utils. From main.log, it seems to be
> these lines:
> >
> > :info:configure dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libgomp.1.dylib
> > :info:configure   Referenced from: /opt/local/bin/msgmerge
> >
> > Prior to the upgrade, I renamed /usr/local plus it should't be using it
> anyway. libgomp  and msgmerge also don't seem to exist in the macports
> database.
> Ok, now we know the root of this problem, and perhaps of some of the
> previous problems: you had a gomp library in /usr/local, and some software
> in MacPorts, including the msgmerge program (which is provided by the
> gettext port) used it instead of the libgomp that comes with Xcode's gcc.
> You must now rebuild anything in MacPorts that had linked with libgomp or
> anything else in /usr/local.
> Rebuilding gettext is a little tricky because it will try to use itself if
> present, so you must deactivate gettext before trying to rebuild it. You
> must also deactivate any little utility programs, like gsed, gawk, or grep,
> because these will also get used if found, but since they have been linked
> with gettext, which has been linked with the libgomp in /usr/local that
> you've already removed, won't work. So try:
> sudo port -fp deactivate gettext gsed gawk grep
> Then try rebuilding gettext:
> sudo port -n upgrade --force gettext
> Then you can reactivate any of gsed gawk and grep that you had activated:
> sudo port -p activate gsed gawk grep
> Having software installed in /usr/local is not supported while using
> MacPorts because of these kinds of problems.
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