I'm a beginner so be nice to me

ronxroxx at comcast.net ronxroxx at comcast.net
Tue Sep 7 17:26:29 PDT 2010

Hello Ryan, I ran the command and the output is shown below: sudo port -n upgrade --force help2man . I got a couple of warnings but they look minor to me and I'm not seeing any modifications. Please let me know if you see anything out of order. 

---> Computing dependencies for help2man 
---> Fetching help2man 
---> Verifying checksum(s) for help2man 
---> Extracting help2man 
---> Configuring help2man 
---> Building help2man 
---> Staging help2man into destroot 
---> Unable to uninstall/deactivate help2man @1.38.2_0, the following ports depend on it: 
---> autoconf @2.67_0 
Warning: Uninstall/deactivate forced. Proceeding despite dependencies. 
---> Deactivating help2man @1.38.2_0 
---> Unable to uninstall/deactivate help2man @1.38.2_0, the following ports depend on it: 
---> autoconf @2.67_0 
Warning: Uninstall/deactivate forced. Proceeding despite dependencies. 
---> Cleaning help2man 
---> Uninstalling help2man @1.38.2_0 
---> Cleaning help2man 
---> Computing dependencies for help2man 
---> Installing help2man @1.38.2_0 
---> Activating help2man @1.38.2_0 
---> Cleaning help2man 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ryan Schmidt" <ryandesign at macports.org> 
To: ronxroxx at comcast.net 
Cc: macports-users at lists.macosforge.org 
Sent: Monday, September 6, 2010 4:22:02 PM 
Subject: Re: I'm a beginner so be nice to me 

On Sep 5, 2010, at 10:45, ronxroxx at comcast.net wrote: 

> I don't know where dlfcn.h file in /opt/local/include came from. However, it appears to be an older version and RTLD_NEXT was not defined in that file. I ran your command "port provides /opt/local/include/dlfcn.h" and it stated that it is not provided by a MacPorts port. At any rate, I still moved the file to dlfcn.h.bak and "sudo port install dsniff-devel" and it installed without any errors. 

Ok, good. Who knows where that /opt/local/include/dlfcn.h came from but I don't think it's supposed to be there, and moving, renaming or deleting it should prevent it from causing problems in the future. 

> Since help2man was previously installed from my last hack, It doesn't appear that the install started from scratch as I was unable to find the bindtextdomain.c file that I modified with "#define RTLD_NEXT ((void *) -1)" I was going to remove this line before installing dsniff-devel but was unable to find it so I ran the command without modifying it. I personally don't like doing hacks like this as I don't know if I will screw up something somewhere else down the line. 

Yes, the bindtextdomain.c file you edited was part of the help2man source code, which MacPorts had extracted into the help2man work directory. After help2man installed successfully, MacPorts deleted the help2man work directory for you. 

If you want, you could verify that help2man now builds without modification by running: 

sudo port -n upgrade --force help2man 

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