Difference between qt4-mac and official Nokia-package

Jan Lübke jan.luebke at gmx.de
Wed Sep 8 09:59:40 PDT 2010


this is my first post on this list. Let me fist say thank you for making macports. I use it for years and it makes my Mac so much more useable!

May I ask for your help in a difficult task?

I am trying to build harbour (www.harbour-project) on Mac OS X 10.6.4 with qt-support and run into some difficulties. Maybe someone on this list can help me or give me a hint.

It works flawlessly if I download and install the official package of qt 4.6.3 for cocoa.

I assume that qt4-mac is basically the same. Only the paths are different. Is that assumption correct?

Of course I can not expect you to know harbour. It has a very sophisticated build tool that works on many different platforms. It does not auto-detect the presence of qt4. But managed to tweak it and now it tries to build with qt-support.

My problem (besides the lack of knowledge about qt, make and macports ;-) ) is, that some files do not get found during build. Especially "QtCore/qglobal.h". In macports, there is a file in "/opt/local/libexec/qt4-mac/lib/QtCore.framework/Versions/4/Headers/qglobal.h". So I edited the source of harbour to use that file. But here comes the next problem. Even "qglobal.h" contains a link to "QtCore/qconfig.h", a file, that does not exist. However, there is a file called  "/opt/local/libexec/qt4-mac/lib/QtCore.framework/Versions/4/Headers/qconfig.h"

I do not want to manipulate that file, because that would be far from elegant. I can not see my error. I am not even sure if this is a bug. The very skilled and helpful developers could not come up with a solution.

I hope, this was not to confusing... (For I certainly am confused :-) ) Can you guys help me? 

Thanks in advance.


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