Using xorg-server port instead of Apple's

Jeremy Huddleston jeremyhu at
Sun Sep 12 22:36:27 PDT 2010

On Sep 12, 2010, at 22:25, Jeremy Huddleston wrote:
>> But once you install Apple's X11, and then the xorg-server port, you can use the that comes with the xorg-server port instead of the that comes with Apple's X11.
>> Jeremy: Why can't we install MacPorts xorg without needing Apple's X11?
> We can.  There are just a handful of edge cases where /usr/lib/libXplugin.dylib is not present due to a packaging problem.  It is a known issue being worked on.  You can either:
> 1) Make the symlink (sudo ln -s libXplugin.1.dylib /usr/lib/libXplugin.dylib)

See r71439

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