Sphinx4 compile build error

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Thu Sep 16 15:25:27 PDT 2010

On Sep 16, 2010, at 14:48, Philip Neukom wrote:

> Tried to build sphinx4 and got the following error.


> :info:build     [javac]
> /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_audio_sphinx4/work/sphinx4-1.0beta4/src/sphinx4/edu/cmu/sphinx/decoder/AbstractDecoder.java:63:
> method does not override a method from its superclass
> :info:build     [javac]     @Override
> :info:build     [javac]      ^

It builds fine for me on Snow Leopard but I see you're on Leopard, and I get the same error as you on Leopard and Tiger.

I updated the port to version 1.0beta5 but it doesn't change this problem.

You should file a bug report in our issue tracker and assign it to sphinx4's maintainer, or file a bug report with the sphinx4 project.

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