loss of pdflatex

Emden R. Gansner erg at research.att.com
Sat Sep 18 06:18:52 PDT 2010

Dan Ports wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 07:17:10PM -0400, Emden R. Gansner wrote:
>> Second, pdflatex almost finishes except I get
>> ! Package graphics Error: No driver specified.
> Does this happen during format generation (i.e. while installing
> texlive-latex) or when trying to run pdflatex after install? Can you
> provide the full log?

The install of texlive finished cleanly. The error occurs when I run 
I have attached a log.
> Do you have
> /opt/local/share/texmf-texlive-dist/tex/latex/latexconfig/graphics.cfg
> installed? Can `kpsewhich graphics.cfg` find it?
Yes, graphics.cfg exists.

If I run kpsewhich graphics.cfg, there is no output and its exit status 
is 1.
If I run as root, it finds


which fits with pdflatex working when I'm acting as root.


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