Dependency or a port on private header files of Tcl

Gustaf Neumann neumann at
Sun Aug 21 08:00:17 PDT 2011

On 19.08.11 17:25, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
> On Aug 19, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
>> Unfortunately, there's no ticket number in the r13165 
>> commit log, so a quick look doesn't show exactly what the 
>> build problems were. IIRC the private includes were 
>> installed into a normal search directory and some 
>> configure script found one or more of them. 
i still believe this is a bug in that package. Tcl TEA build 
system works fine with multiple installations since many 
years, packages should use TEA and not use their own 
searches. btw., if the package making troubles is a tcl 
extension, then loading this package into the tcl installed 
from macports, it will likely crash.
> Incidentally, the expect port is an example you can use to pull the already downloaded tcl source and have your build use its private headers.
This looks easy enough (attached is the modified port file). 
I am not sure, what's the best way is to submit the changed 
portfile. Should i create a ticket on or is this ignored in case 
there is no maintainer...

-gustaf neumann

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