port make?

Roger Pack rogerdpack2 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 06:14:59 PST 2011

Hello all.
I found myself the other day wanting to do the following:
install a port, but with an extra (local) patch.
My first thought was that I could do the following:

$ port install xxx -s -k # keep the source
$ # apply the local patch to the source
$ port build xxx # it would run make, then make install for me.

I got to step 2, above, then this:

$ port -s -k build vlc
--->  Computing dependencies for vlc
 (it didn't run make again)

And there seems to be no
$ port make vlc

option (which I would have expected).
Any help? (really my reason for writing this is "shouldn't there be a
$ port make or shouldn't $ port build re-run it?
My work around for now is to just cd to the work dir and run make
again, then run $ port install xxx
Thank you.

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