MacPorts throws errors on everything (include uninstall) since selfupdate

Andrea D'Amore and.damore at
Fri Feb 18 04:33:51 PST 2011

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 1:14 PM, Aba-Sah Dadzie <a.dadzie at> wrote:
> mostly because I don't even
> know where to start posting what the bug is.

You should use '-d' option in order to have a detailed output.

Your database is corrupted and maybe repairfilemap script can't help
but if you are willing to wipe out and start from zero I don't see why
you shouldn't have a working system, other faults like memory or
motherboard issues apart.

As first thing you should start choosing if you want to recover your
current installation or start from fresh, if the latter follow [1].




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