Python app installed with -2.7 suffix - how to avoid?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu Feb 24 20:03:49 PST 2011

On Feb 24, 2011, at 10:51, Alexander Skwar wrote:

> I installed s3cmd 1.0.0 based on the 0.9.9 Portfile in the tree
> My 1.0.0 Portfile is here:
> I basically just changed the version number and python2.5 to python2.7.
> After having done "port install s3cmd" to install it, I ended up with a
> s3cmd-2.7 command.
> What do I have to change in the Portfile, so that I do NOT get
> the -2.7 suffix?

Add this line to the portfile:


That is, you're telling it to use a blank suffix, instead of the default "-2.7" suffix.

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