errors installing a port

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon Jan 3 15:22:41 PST 2011

On Jan 3, 2011, at 17:15, Thomas Scofield wrote:

> On Jan 3, 2011, at 6:01 PM, Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:
>> What does the following produce for output.
>> $ port contents perl5
>> $ port contents perl5.8
> Mac20952:notes scofield$ port contents perl5
> Port perl5 contains:
>   /opt/local/bin/perl5
> Mac20952:notes scofield$ port contents perl5.8
> Port perl5.8 contains:
>   /opt/local/bin/perl
>   /opt/local/bin/perl5.8
>   /opt/local/bin/perl5.8.9

Er, right. Sorry, I forgot, /opt/local/bin/perl is provided by perl5.8 not perl5. Either way, it looks like /opt/local/bin/perl is supposed to be there. MacPorts claims it installed it as part of your perl5.8 port, as expected. Is it, in fact, there? (If not, deactivate and then re-activate perl5.8.) What happens when you run it? Here's a simple test you can try:

/opt/local/bin/perl -e 'print "hello\n"'

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