Is maven ant tasks added to the classpath?
Gabriele Kahlout
gabriele at
Sat Jun 4 23:44:38 PDT 2011
My understanding from ant help is that -lib is used only once.
The reason I'm asking here is that since macports installs it at least the
maintainer knows how it's intended to be used.
It seems it should (have) be(een) added to ant libs directory, as others do.
The following command worked since both ivy and maven-ant-tasks jar were
ant -lib /opt/local/share/java deploy
I've pasted the maven-ant-tasks.jar into ant's lib directory and and now
even ant deploy works (ivy's already in ant's lib). So my suggestion is that
the port puts it there.
On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 12:45 AM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at>wrote:
> On Jun 4, 2011, at 15:48, Gabriele Kahlout wrote:
> > $ ant -lib /opt/local/share/java/
> /opt/local/share/java/maven-ant-tasks.jar deploy
> > Buildfile:
> /Users/simpatico/NetBeansProjects/Experiments/test/nutch-1.3/build.xml
> >
> > Target "/opt/local/share/java/maven-ant-tasks.jar" does not exist in the
> project "Nutch".
> >
> > Total time: 4 seconds
> Ah. Well I was just guessing. What you had didn't look right for both of
> the reasons mentioned, but I don't actually know ant or how to use it. You
> may have to ask in an ant support channel.
K. Gabriele
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