Bjarne D Mathiesen
macintosh at
Mon Jun 13 19:18:51 PDT 2011
the mod_security port is seriously out of date - see:
and the attempt to get a new mod_security2 working floundered :-(
now, I'm trying to pick up where things fell apart 3 years ago, and I've
done a Portfile based upon previous work, but before I submit it for
consideration, I'ld like some feedback:
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil;
c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
# $Id$
PortSystem 1.0
name mod_security2
version 2.6.0
categories www security
platforms darwin
description Apache 2 intrusion detection and prevention engine for web
long_description ModSecurity is an open source intrusion detection and \
prevention engine for web applications. It operates \
embedded into the web server, acting as a powerful \
umbrella - shielding applications from attacks.
master_sites sourceforge:mod-security
distname modsecurity-apache_${version}
set apachever apache2
checksums md5 ffb858bd1e523f31adcee30191e013aa \
sha1 280061a6cb49c955d7371b9526193f68a12ae2ac \
rmd160 a9d34e17d80007f394087da5bd92c6047f48d343
depends_build port:libxml2 \
port:pcre \
port:curl \
port:apr \
port:apr-util \
depends_lib port:${apachever}
configure.args --libdir=${prefix}/${apachever}/modules \
--with-apxs=${prefix}/${apachever}/bin/apxs \
--with-pcre=${prefix}/bin \
--with-apr=${prefix}/bin \
--with-curl=${prefix} \
--with-libxml=${prefix} \
worksrcdir ${distname}
destroot.violate_mtree yes
post-destroot {
xinstall -d -m 755 ${workpath}/${distname}/doc
xinstall -d -m 755 ${prefix}/lib/${name} ${prefix}/${apachever}/modules
exec find /macports -type f -iname 'liblua*.dylib' -maxdepth 3 -print0 \
| xargs -0 -n1 -I % echo 'LoadFile='% \
> /macports/apache2/conf/extra/httpd-modsecurity.conf
exec find ${prefix} -type f -iname 'libxml2*.dylib' -maxdepth 3
-print0 \
| xargs -0 -n1 -I % echo 'LoadFile='% \
>> ${prefix}/${apachever}/conf/extra/httpd-modsecurity.conf
post-install {
ui_msg "########################################################"
ui_msg "# To enable mod_security2 add"
ui_msg "# LoadModule security2_module modules/"
ui_msg "# to your apache2 config file:"
ui_msg "# ${prefix}/apache2/conf/httpd.conf"
ui_msg "########################################################"
Let me take my problems from the top:
1) master_sites :
is this option correct ? I had to download and install the source
manually, but I've also seen that there seems to be some problems with
sourceforge & macports at present - see the thread :
Simplify sourceforge fetch group
2) configure.args :
I can't get --libdir to work - thus the second line in post-destroot
Pro17:macports root# port contents mod_security2
Port mod_security2 contains:
3) post-destroot :
the first line doesn't seem to give any results as to installing the
4) the two exec lines is an attempt to automagically create the conf
file for mod_security2, but they fail :-( the conf-file _is_ created, so
I'm doing _something_ right ;-)
Bjarne D Mathiesen
København N ; Danmark ; Europa
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