perl5, perl5.* changes

Scott Webster sewebster at
Tue Mar 8 12:47:39 PST 2011

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Dave Aiello <dave at> wrote:
> I started trying to install Perl 5.8 by "perl5 +perl5_8", and here were
> my results:
> bash-3.2# port install perl5 +perl5_8
> --->  Computing dependencies for perl5
> --->  Fetching perl5
> --->  Verifying checksum(s) for perl5
> --->  Extracting perl5
> --->  Configuring perl5
> --->  Building perl5
> --->  Staging perl5 into destroot
> --->  Installing perl5 @5.12.3_1+perl5_8
> --->  Activating perl5 @5.12.3_1+perl5_8
> --->  Cleaning perl5
> Why am I getting Perl 5.12.3_1 when I clearly want Perl 5.8?

Did you actually end up with 5.12 installed or 5.8?  Probably the
version numbering system for the perl5 package is just a little
confusing if you don't use the default variant.


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