Xcode 4

Dominik Reichardt domiman at gmail.com
Fri Mar 11 02:51:55 PST 2011

Am 11.03.2011 um 11:39 schrieb "Keith J. Schultz" <keithjschultz at web.de>:

> Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
>> Von: "Keith J. Schultz" <keithjschultz at web.de>
>> Datum: 11. März 2011 09:59:08 MEZ
>> An: Dominik Reichardt <domiman at gmail.com>
>> Betreff: Re: Xcode 4
>> Hi Dominik,
>> Am 10.03.2011 um 23:45 schrieb Dominik Reichardt:
>>>> I have to admit that I have no idea if and to which extent MacPorts
>>>> works with Xcode 4, as I didn't buy it (yet?
>> 	Then you aught to be careful of your claims!

Please be more careful with your quotes, because first of all your answers were still in the quotes and it wasn't me who wrote that. You should answer to the ops post instead of writing this as an answer to a post.

>>> I'm not sure how much MacPorts depends on the "lower" SDKs (10.4 and 10.5) or whether MacPorts depends on those at all, but Xcode 4 does away with those on every install. Meaning it moves old Xcode stuff, including those SDKs to /Developer-old and of course doesn't even give the option to keep these SDKs (or to install them on a System on which no Xcode was installed before).
>>> This is the most annoying issue with Xcode 4 for me, especially since I had moved the SDKs back, then installed Xcode 4 again (the one from the Appstore craps out in the last stages of the installation, but if you open the installer app you can start the installer on its own and it actually finishes) and I forgot to move the SDKs back and thus some compilation didn't succeed at first :)
>> 	Xcode 4 can be installed beside Xcode 3! Also, out of the " About SDK […] " for Xcode4
>> 	To build your app to work on older OSs, for instance Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, set the project
>> setting Base SDK to “Latest”, and set Mac OS X Deployment Target to “Mac OS X 10.5”.
>> regards
>> 	Keith.

I don't care about the xcode site of building. I care much more about the unix style building which worked fine before but was now screwed up by apple. 
In my further posts I described how to do that with a mixture of xcode3 and 4 stuff.
It can all be done by mucking around with the default paths (no longer using /usr/ for ppc stuff).

I'm maintaining a game software that still has a couple of ppc users and I care enough to let them still be able to use their machines.

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