newbie question

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon May 2 19:28:38 PDT 2011

Welcome to MacPorts!

On May 2, 2011, at 21:17, Tena Sakai wrote:

> I have two questions:
> (1) I see on a page 
> that postgresql90 9.0.4 and postgresql90-server 9.0.4 are available.  Would
> someone please explain the difference between two?

postgresql90 is the PostgreSQL 9.0.x programs and libraries. If you just need to connect to an existing PostgreSQL server running elsewhere, this is what you want.

postgresql90-server performs the small bit of additional setup required if you want to run your own PostgreSQL server. You'll also need the programs and libraries in the postgresql90 port, which will automatically be installed if you ask to install postgresql90-server.

> (2) Say, I picked one of them, how do I go about installing it?  I am using
> snow leopard 10.6.7.

1. Install MacPorts
2. Open the Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal)
3. Type "sudo port install postgresql90" (without the quotes) and press return
4. If prompted for your password, type it and press return (nothing will be shown as you type)

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