Error running Gnome

Andrew Long andrew.long at
Wed May 25 10:00:44 PDT 2011

On 24 May 2011, at 22:59, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On May 24, 2011, at 16:53, Rich Midwinter wrote:
>> I'm trying to get Gnome up and running via macports on OSX but I can't get past the following:
>>   $ gnome-session
>>   Failed to start message bus: launch_msg("CheckIn") IPC failure: Operation not permitted
>>   EOF in dbus-launch reading address from bus daemon
>> Can anyone suggest how I can resolve it?
> Is dbus properly started? See "port notes dbus" for instructions.

I reported this issue on the list back at the front of May, but had no replies. FWIW I've just done the checks suggested by the 'port notes dbus' command, which told me that both the system & session daemons were loaded.

Because I'd previously had problems, I'd moved my .xinitrc.d folder out of the way; I re-established it and tried to start X11 - this resulted in a loop of X11 starting, crashing and re-starting. 

This log entry appears to be the cause of the repeated crashes:
May 25 17:45:49 saganami-island org.x.startx[84393]: /Users/andy/.xinitrc.d/ line 15: exec: dbus-launch: not found

I put an 'echo $PATH' in the startup script and got this result:
May 25 17:45:49 saganami-island org.x.startx[84393]: /usr/X11/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin

which seems to say that the path doesn't contain the macports folders.

I clobbered the folder again and tried to start gnome-terminal: that worked. Then I tried to start gnome-session: that failed with the same symptoms being reported here.

Hope someone can point me at a fix, as well

Regards, Andy

Andrew Long
andrew dot long at yahoo dot com

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