py25-scipy failing due to arch flags set in python25 PortGroup

Adam Mercer ram at
Mon May 30 17:49:10 PDT 2011

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 13:23, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:

> python.add_archflags    no
> universal_variant       no
> Those lines probably need to be added to py25-scipy and py-scipy.

Thanks, that did the trick (with the python25 version, I haven't got
python24 installed at the moment).

> -arch flags are not appropriate when using a non-Apple compiler, such as you do in the gcc variants in py*-scipy, but I thought MacPorts was supposed to know this and not append the -arch flags in that case (and use -m32/-m64 options instead as applicable).

Thanks, I should have realised this. I'm sure I've been bitten by a
similar problem in the past.



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