Snort: /opt/local/lib/snort_dynamicengine/libsf_engine.dylib: No such file or directory
Fyodor Vassiley
fyodor.vassiley at
Sat Nov 5 13:32:42 PDT 2011
I use the /opt/local/etc/snort/snort.conf.dist (that comes with
MacPorts) expect that I changed ipvar to var because I don't use IPv6.
Now tried to running Snort as a Daemon:
> snort -d -h -l /var/log/snort.log -c /opt/local/etc/snort/snort.conf
Running in IDS mode
--== Initializing Snort ==--
Initializing Output Plugins!
Initializing Preprocessors!
Initializing Plug-ins!
Parsing Rules file "/opt/local/etc/snort/snort.conf"
PortVar 'HTTP_PORTS' defined : [ 80 311 591 593 901 1220 1414 1830
2301 2381 2809 3128 3702 5250 7001 7777 7779 8000 8008 8028 8080 8088
8118 8123 8180 8243 8280 8888 9090:9091 9443 9999 11371 ]
PortVar 'SHELLCODE_PORTS' defined : [ 0:79 81:65535 ]
PortVar 'ORACLE_PORTS' defined : [ 1024:65535 ]
PortVar 'SSH_PORTS' defined : [ 22 ]
Search-Method = AC-Full-Q
Split Any/Any group = enabled
Search-Method-Optimizations = enabled
Maximum pattern length = 20
ERROR: parser.c(5245) Could not stat dynamic module path
"/opt/local/lib/snort_dynamicengine/libsf_engine.dylib": No such file
or directory.
Fatal Error, Quitting..
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