Error: Target returned: shell command failed (see log for details)

barry holland barry.j.holland at
Wed Nov 23 12:55:34 PST 2011


MAC OS 10.4.11
gcc version 4.0.1 

Today I tried to update all my ports as normal. Part way through a build on glib2, I lost internet connection, and straight after this I got the following message (I don't know if it was related to the internet connection loss or not:

Error: Target returned: shell command failed (see log for details)

I have since tried the following:

Is the problem with a 'port upgrade' operation?
            If so, try a 'port uninstall foo' and
            then reinstall. You might also want to run 'port -nR upgrade --force
            foo' to rebuild ports depending upon
            port foo.
I have also tried, uninstalling, cleaning, reinstalling (including dependencies) and I am still getting the same error. 

I have included the main log

Please Help!

Thanks in advance

Barry J

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