MacTex vs MacPorts

Keith J. Schultz keithjschultz at
Sat Oct 1 02:04:29 PDT 2011

Hi All, Sam,

I a little something as a important side note.

MacTeX does work well with Macports. You have to change the config-file
of MacPorts to look for the existence of the MacTeX binaries. Sorry, I can not 
remember which. Of course It may not work anymore.

At least I am happy with MacTeX.


Am 01.10.2011 um 10:03 schrieb Dan Ports:

> MacTeX and MacPorts are, for the most part, going to install the same
> version of the same TeX Live software, so it largely comes down to
> which package manager you'd like to use.
> The major differences are:
> - MacTeX includes the entire distribution (which makes it pretty
>   large). The texlive metaport, by default, installs the most commonly
>   used packages. The others can be installed from separate ports, or
>   by installing texlive +full
> - MacTeX includes its own package manager that can install pre-release
>   versions. Our texlive ports install the latest release version, and
>   mostly only get bug-fix updates between releases.
> - if you install via MacPorts, MacPorts can keep track of your
>   installation. Besides meaning you can update your TeX installation
>   the same way you update your other ports, it also means that it can
>   be used to satisfy dependencies for other ports. It can also install
>   additional texlive packages as needed for dependencies.
> In years past, our texlive ports were sometimes significantly out of
> date. That's not really an issue nowadays; TeX Live 2011 was available
> in ports a week or so after its release.
> Dan
> -- 
> Dan R. K. Ports              MIT CSAIL      
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