MacPorts selfupdate fails& cannot write to location

Joshua Root jmr at
Sat Oct 1 17:00:02 PDT 2011

On 28164-7-23 05:59 , William H. Magill wrote:
> I have no problem simply wiping Mac Ports and sting over but upgrading from Snow Leopard (where I had last run Mac Ports 1.9) to Lion and attempting to upgrade to MacPorts 2.x "should work."

Another thing: Note that the Migration instructions actually say to use
the installer, not to selfupdate. If you go from 10.5 to 10.6 for
example, the existing version will most likely not be able to run
because an i386/ppc MacPorts.dylib cannot be loaded into an x86_64 tclsh.

Selfupdate probably does work OK going from 10.6 to 10.7, and I'm not
sure if installing the .pkg resets the ownership on the directories
(which would solve your problem if it does). But anyway, that's what the
Migration wiki page says, and there are good reasons for it.

- Josh

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