Upgraded (partially?) to v2.0.3, now port updates fail, OSX 10.6.8

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Thu Oct 6 15:09:51 PDT 2011

On 28164-7-23 05:59 , Fielding, Eric J (3242) wrote:
> On 10/6/11 7:17 AM, "Jeremy Lavergne" <jeremy at lavergne.gotdns.org> wrote:
>> You might try running selfupdate again (with -d so you can watch what's
>> going on). It might find that there are packages remaining to be converted
>> and pick up where it left off.
>> Might.
> Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately, that does not work. The
> "selfupdate" seems to think the conversion is complete so it doesn't
> convert the parts that are missing.
> ======
>  port selfupdate -d
> --->  Updating MacPorts base sources using rsync
> MacPorts base version 2.0.3 installed,
> MacPorts base version 2.0.3 downloaded.
> --->  Updating the ports tree
> --->  MacPorts base is already the latest version
> The ports tree has been updated. To upgrade your installed ports, you
> should run
>   port upgrade outdated

You can run selfupdate with the -f option to make it reinstall base even
when it appears to be up to date.

sudo port -vf selfupdate

- Josh

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