autoexpect : can't find package Expect

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Sep 30 22:22:59 PDT 2011

On Sep 30, 2011, at 23:16, Yvon Thoraval wrote:

> i wanted to run autoexpect and got the folowing :
> imyt% autoexpect
> can't find package Expect
>     while executing
> "package require Expect"
>     (file "/opt/local/bin/autoexpect" line 6)
> imyt% 
> This is strange because everything like that has been installed by MacPorts :
> $ which expect
> /opt/local/bin/expect
> $ which autoexpect
> /opt/local/bin/autoexpect
> what sould I do in order to have autoexpect running ?
What about "which tclsh"? I expect (ha) that you get /usr/bin/tclsh, but autoexpect would require it to be /opt/local/bin/tclsh. You probably uninstalled the tcl port, which the expect port did not prevent you from doing, because it only declared tcl as a build dependency; it should be declared as a library dependency since it is also used at runtime. I've fixed this in r84766.

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