/usr/local question

Bradley Giesbrecht pixilla at macports.org
Thu Apr 5 08:25:49 PDT 2012

On Apr 5, 2012, at 12:00 AM, Jan Stary wrote:

> Again, this is not entirely true: the proper way for a port to
> not accidently pick up unwanted dependencies is to say --disable-whatever
> in the Portfile (and yes, I have run into that problem in ports
> I maintain). Not all ports provide a way to declare this, so
> you make sure it doesn't happen by removing /usr/local altgether,
> or making the user remove his /usr/local, which you will agree is
> a pretty extreme measure on a UNIX system.

Simply put, MacPorts does not "SUPPORT" /usr/local in the sense that if you ask for help from MacPorts we are going to ask you to move /usr/local out of the way rather then tediously work though the contents of /usr/local. Our resources are better spent on other tasks.

Bradley Giesbrecht (pixilla)

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