tesseract 3.01

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Thu Apr 12 17:15:03 PDT 2012

On Apr 12, 2012, at 10:03, M. Daniel Becque wrote:

> Trying to run Tesseract 3.01 as setup by Macports on an uncompressed tif file that is one column of text. The first error was "error opening .../tessdata/eng.traineddata". No surprise because eng.traineddata isn't there. I downloaded and opened tesseract-ocr-3.01.eng.tar.gz  and put the resulting 9 files into /opt/local/share/tessdata.

Don't manually download and install training data. Instead, install the corresponding sub-port:

$ port info tesseract | grep Sub-ports
Sub-ports:            tesseract-ara, tesseract-bul, tesseract-cat, tesseract-ces, tesseract-chi-sim, tesseract-chi-tra, tesseract-dan, tesseract-dan-frak, tesseract-deu, tesseract-deu-frak, tesseract-ell, tesseract-eng, tesseract-fin, tesseract-fra, tesseract-heb, tesseract-heb-com, tesseract-hin, tesseract-hun, tesseract-ind, tesseract-ita, tesseract-jpn, tesseract-kor, tesseract-lav, tesseract-lit, tesseract-nld, tesseract-nor, tesseract-pol, tesseract-por, tesseract-ron, tesseract-rus, tesseract-slk, tesseract-slk-frak, tesseract-slv, tesseract-spa, tesseract-srp, tesseract-swe, tesseract-swe-frak, tesseract-tgl, tesseract-tha, tesseract-tur, tesseract-ukr, tesseract-vie

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