How to really uninstall a failed port?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Apr 22 13:33:06 PDT 2012

On Apr 22, 2012, at 11:56, Thomas wrote:

> I had run that on earlier occasions, but not this time, i.e., after removing the tarfile. You're right! Now it seems that the archive is being fetched again from the server.
> I'll report how things develop, which may be several hours from now given how long the download and compile take.

MacPorts fetched a distfile, not an archive. Archives are pre-compiled binaries; distfiles are the source from which things are compiled. We don't have any archives for Darwin 9.

On OS X you should keep at least 10% of your hard drive empty.

Some ports take a lot of space to compile. I've seen some ports take as much as 10GB of disk space during building, most of which is cleaned up after the build is done. I think qt4-mac takes around 6GB of space while it's building.

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