Macports list severely depleted

Bjarne D Mathiesen macintosh at
Sun Apr 29 10:16:46 PDT 2012

Mr. Puneet Kishor wrote:
> I saw the latest release of Postgis 2.0 required Geos 3.3.2, but I can't find anything greater than 3.3.1. In fact, the entire macports list seems quite depleted.
> ----
> The MacPorts Project currently distributes 11298 ports, organized across 85 different categories and available below for viewing. This form allows you to search the MacPorts software index, last updated on (unknown) at (unknown).
> Search by:
> Or view the complete ports list (11298 ports).
> ----
> I know (from memory) there should be more than 13K ports.
> --
> Puneet Kishor

port -d sync

Total number of ports parsed:	0
Ports successfully parsed:	0
Ports failed:			0
Up-to-date ports skipped:	13940

Bjarne D Mathiesen
København N ; Danmark ; Europa
denne besked er skrevet i et totalt M$-frit miljø
MacOS X 10.7.3 Lion ; 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 ; 16GB 1067MHz DDR3

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