postfix & databases
Bjarne D Mathiesen
macintosh at
Sun Apr 29 15:05:39 PDT 2012
Bjarne D Mathiesen wrote:
> It seems as if postfix could use mariadb and mysql55 variants ;-)
I've done some work on adding variant for all the other mysql
implementation to postfix. before I submit at patch I'ld like someone to
just go over my code to see if it's correct :-)
variant mysql5 \
conflicts mysql55 mariadb \
description "add mysql support via mysql5.1" {
depends_lib-append path:lib/mysql5/bin/mysql_config:mysql5
lappend CCARGS -DHAS_MYSQL "-I${prefix}/include/mysql5/mysql"
lappend AUXLIBS "-L${prefix}/lib/mysql5/mysql" -lmysqlclient -lz -lm
variant mysql55 \
conflicts mysql5 mariadb \
description "add mysql support via mysql5.5" {
depends_lib-append path:lib/mysql55/bin/mysql_config:mysql55
lappend CCARGS -DHAS_MYSQL "-I${prefix}/include/mysql55/mysql"
lappend AUXLIBS "-L${prefix}/lib/mysql55/mysql" -lmysqlclient
-lz -lm
variant mariadb \
conflicts mysql5 mysql55 \
description "add mysql support via mariadb" {
depends_lib-append path:lib/mariadb/bin/mysql_config:mariadb
lappend CCARGS -DHAS_MYSQL "-I${prefix}/include/mariadb/mysql"
lappend AUXLIBS "-L${prefix}/lib/mariadb/mysql" -lmysqlclient
-lz -lm
variant percona \
conflicts mysql5 mysql55 \
description "add mysql support via percona" {
depends_lib-append path:lib/percona/bin/mysql_config:percona
lappend CCARGS -DHAS_MYSQL "-I${prefix}/include/percona/mysql"
lappend AUXLIBS "-L${prefix}/lib/percona/mysql" -lmysqlclient
-lz -lm
Bjarne D Mathiesen
København N ; Danmark ; Europa
denne besked er skrevet i et totalt M$-frit miljø
MacOS X 10.7.3 Lion ; 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 ; 16GB 1067MHz DDR3
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