Continually rebuilding the same package

Jeremy Lavergne jeremy at
Tue Feb 14 13:47:45 PST 2012

> 	My MacPorts installation has started rebuilding SuiteSparse @3.4.0_0 over and over.  Every time it's given the opportunity to do so, as in, whenever I say "port upgrade suitesparse" or "port upgrade anything-that-depends-on-suitesparse", it'll deinstall, rebuild, and install it again.
> 	What's the cure for this?

Are you using trunk or just latest release of MacPorts? Trunk has a feature to rebuild broken ports (even if it built successfully a port might have a problem linking against incorrect libraries from missing dependencies).

Also, SuiteSparse had an epoch change (r88691) without a revision change which might cause issues previously mentioned on the dev list.

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