Migration wiki page

Jacob Schwartz quark at bluespec.com
Fri Feb 17 14:51:48 PST 2012

> Note that not all of MacPorts is necessarily confined to /opt/local.
> The uninstall instructions show all of the locations standard ports
> and MacPorts itself might install things into:
> http://guide.macports.org/chunked/installing.macports.uninstalling.html

Hrm, thanks.

> The migration instructions do have you uninstall and reinstall all ports.
> And there should be no need to uninstall MacPorts base itself;

Yes, I didn't uninstall the base, just installed over it.

The problem was the uninstall of the ports.  This failed, and there
seemed no way that I could force MacPorts to get over it and move on.
I regret now that I didn't save the information on that error, to
report it here.

> Please do not install anything in /usr/local as it will probably interfere with MacPorts.

Oh?  How is that?


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