Cleaning up stale dependencies

Jeremy Lavergne jeremy at
Sun Feb 26 14:08:01 PST 2012

The default variant should only get set if none were chosen: it sounds like it always gets set, causing the error.

Arno Hautala <arno at> wrote:

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 14:38, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:
> "port deps inkscape +python26" would show you the deps of inkscape with the python26 variant, if you were interested in that.

FYI, this actually errors out. It seems that port isn't following all
of the dependency / variant logic.

> $ port deps inkscape +python26
> Error: inkscape: Variant python26 conflicts with python27
> Error: Unable to open port: Error evaluating variants

Disabling the conflicting variant was successful.

> $ port deps inkscape +python26 -python27
> Full Name: inkscape @0.48.2_2+python26+universal
> Build Dependencies: pkgconfig, intltool, perl5
> Library Dependencies: boehmgc, gsl, gtkmm, gnome-vfs, lcms, poppler, boost, ImageMagick, libwpg, gtkspell2, py26-lxml, py26-numpy, py26-xml

arno  s  hautala    /-|   arno at

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