tcl port and thread anabling

Stephen Langer stephen.langer at
Wed Jan 11 11:29:03 PST 2012

On Jan 11, 2012, at 2:00 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

>> This is a real problem.  For example, ImageMagick uses OpenMP and vtk uses pthreads.  My program would like to link to both.  I can force ImageMagick to build without OpenMP by defining a no_openmp variant in a local port repository, but that's ultimately unsatisfactory, since I'd like to use OpenMP in other parts of the program.
> It sounds like a complete mess and I don't know what to think about it either.

That's basically the same response I got from the ImageMagick developers.

 -- Steve

-- EMail: stephen.langer at                    Phone: (301) 975-5423 --
--                      Fax: (301) 975-3553 --
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-- "I don't think this will work.  That's why it's science."               --
--                              Naomi Langer (age 6),  17 Feb 2003         --

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